Friday, July 3, 2009

2 years goes so fast!

Summer has been moving along so quickly!

Brad is halfway through his internship with the Dept of Justice, Bureau of Prisons.  He is learning so much and getting some great experience.  He is already starting to apply for jobs for after graduation, not the best time to be applying for jobs! We decided to move where the job is instead of picking a location.  So, that said, the jobs Brad is applying for are all over the country - CO, MN, FL, SC, and I guess all over the world if you include JAG.  Sheesh - stress!  

In early June, our very good friends, the Monroe's moved to San Diego.  We miss them terribly.  Charli and her two little girls, Emily and Sasha will be hanging out in San Diego while Stephen is on a sub.  We truly miss their hospitality, genuineness, and friendship. 

Last week we celebrated out two year wedding anniversary.  I cant believe its been two years that I haven't been in college, lived in Chicago, and even seen most of the people at our wedding! 

We have had a lot of friends come visit us lately which is awesome - pics below!  

Coming up: Sunny's visit, Eileen's visit, Sauer family reunion, Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon!!

Brad and I at the Navy Memorial (SEAL exhibit inside!)

Emily and I at JFKs grave - the Washington Monument looks so far! 

Charli, me and Sasha before they left for Cali

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Brad and I have been super busy finishing up the school year and kicking off summer!  Brad is officially done with his second year of law school and starts his full time summer internship at the Bureau of Prisons (Dept. of Justice) on May 26th.

Yesterday, we went to West Virginia to do some work with Labor of Love, a Christian ministry that takes in pregnant unwed women and teaches them everything from basic social skills and caring for the baby to home-schooling and getting their GED.  

We did yard work most of the day. Brad got back to his roots by mowing 3/4 of an acre with a push mower, taking about 3.5 hours! :)  I did yard work all day in flower beds, planting and spreading mulch.  We uncovered a bunny nest full of three babies and birds that had just been hatched.  

Overall, the day was very refreshing for me and mostly inspiring that the couple who runs it gives everything they have, literally, everything to these women.  

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I thought this blog needed some pics of our favorite pup! He is a year and 8 months, will turn 2 on June 10th! He is one spoiled yorkie poo and runs our lives! 

Stafford chilling on our couch...
Stafford at Katherine's Christmas party! He got to meet real Santa that night! 

Monday, March 16, 2009

We just got  back from a great weekend in New York.  We left on Friday and were able to meet up with some friends from college.  On Saturday we went to Tiffany's on 5th avenue, Central Park, the Met, and then an Irish bar that was a total dive but a TON of fun.  Sunday we walked over the Brooklyn Bridge.  I absolutely fell in love with the city! 

The pic above is Brad, me, Whitney, Emily, and Jon